About Us
At NHS Pharmacy we provide all the services funded by the National Health Service.
We are very accessible by Internet, Telephone (Freephone) and Post.( See leaflet attached)
Our pharmacy is unique, as we aim to bridge the gap between patients and doctors. Having worked with patients in the community,care homes and care agencies we have looked at common problems that occur when dispensing medicines and when they are administered to patients like yourself. In order to help patients; we are tailoring our services which now include the following:
An Initial medication review with you and your care provider, allowing all parties to understand the medication being dispensed and what they are for.
A choice of having your medication dispensed in trays/blister packs or providing ways for you to take medication independently with ease.
A review with the family members (if you consent) so they are fully aware of the medication you are on.
Allowing your doctor to know if you are having any problems with your medication so changes can be made immediately.
Checking all medication stored in your premises to avoid medication errors and to reduce wastage of medicine.
Our 0800 free phone number for you to ring for advice from 9am -6pm.